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HomeMission and History

Mission and History

The objectives of the Dallas Psychological Association are to:

  • forward the understanding and acceptance of psychology as a profession devoted to the promotion of human welfare
  • develop and promote ethical standards of psychological practice
  • stimulate the discussion of issues related to the practice of psychology
  • foster responsible community ties
  • encourage constructive relations with allied professionals


Joseph Siegel, Ph.D. invited in early 1956, a small group of Dallas psychologists to meet with him to consider the possibility of forming a local professional psychological association. This group acted as a Steering Committee to invite all psychologists in the Dallas area to a meeting in May of 1956 at the Dallas Society for Crippled Children where the organization was formed and its name, Dallas Psychological Association, was adopted.

A Steering Committee chaired by Dr. Siegel met throughout 1956 and early 1957 to plan preliminary by-laws, programs, and other details necessary to the functioning of the Association. The members of the Association have met since October of 1957 at business meetings, networked at socials, and attended workshops. The Association has undergone a number of changes since that time to meet ongoing challenges of the profession and its objectives.

In its current form, Dallas Psychological Association (DPA) is comprised of licensed psychologists, licensed associates, graduate/postgraduate students in psychology-based programs, and affiliates with interests consonant with the purposes of the organization. The objectives of the organization are to forward understanding and acceptance, develop and promote ethical standards, and stimulate discussion of issues relevant to psychology and its practice as well as foster responsible community ties and encourage constructive relations with allied professions. DPA is a source of information for its members and the public within the North Texas area for psychologists and their specialties.

Dallas Psychological Association is a local organization and is not affiliated with any other organizations. However, it recognizes and its members are frequently associated with the state (Texas Psychological Association), regional (Southwestern Psychological Association: Arkansas, Arizona, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas), and national (American Psychological Association) psychological associations. Thus, DPA provides a common bond at the local level for qualified psychologists to foster their profession and practice.